Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Little Things

      Growing up, I used to think that there were good people in the world, and there were evil people. Being naïve, I thought that it was the evil people who were rude, cold, and uncaring. The older I got, I began to see that there is good and evil, but there is a whole world of grey that exists between the two. A world of people who have been hurt, mistreated, ignored, who have lost everything that was important;in turn becoming, bitter, numb and just plain lost. I also discovered that it is the people we deem unlovable, are the ones who need love the most.
   There have been many times I have turned on the television or radio, and heard a message from a new charity or foundation asking for money to help "change the world". Don't get me wrong, money makes the world go round, but it can't change this world. Love can. It is our job to change the world, by spreading hope and love to our fellow mankind. It is not always the big gestures, either, that make a difference. It is those little, miniscule moments and actions that make the biggest difference in someone's life.
   How can we do this, you may ask? Oh, it's simple! For starters, smile! Smile at that grumpy cashier at Walmart who makes the wicked witch from the west look inviting. Ask her how her day is going, and truly mean it. Give a hug to the woman whose autistic teenage daughter is having a temper tantrum on the floor of a public building (trust me, that woman will be more willing to accept that hug than you would think!). Hold the door open for the elderly gentleman behind you. One of my favorites, pay for the coffee for the person behind you in the drive-through line at your local coffee shop! These are just small ways to spread kindness and hope in a world that is becoming colder and more cynical each day. Human connection is ironically becoming lost through the increase in technological devices we use (it doesn't count as quality family time if you're texting the whole time!) So sit down, write a card to someone you haven't seen in a while...or someone you've never met! And let them know they are being thought of.
   We have the power to make this world a better place. Not by just by going 'green', but by spreading compassion, love and HOPE.So in conclusion, smile more and don't be stingy with those hugs! :-)

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